Sunday, October 08, 2006

ming's birthday

My bestest friend turns 29 today and it's my fourth time celebrating it with him. Hope there will be many many many many more to come! Happy birthday Ming Ming. It has been great having you as a friend!May you always be Happy, Healty, Wealthy and Wise!

Dah 29, Mejar pun dah dapat. Bila nak kawin ni? Hehehe

p/s: Ming's birthday pics 2003,2005&2006. 2004 missing :)


Anonymous said...

Don't ask him to get into trouble la. We still need him as dive buddy. Nanti ada wife tak boleh golf la, tak boleh diving la, tak bleh char kuat, sorry..char kuey teow la...tsk! tsk!

mocha said...

hehe.... yeap yeap... agree... i must get a wife who dives, plays golfs and char kuew teow... haha... nanpak gaya kena tunggu lama lagi lar... hehe....

anyway... thanx for remembering my bday... hehehe....