Monday, June 05, 2006


just got back from a great dive trip at tioman.. it was awesome! thanks to everyone who has made the trip a great one - especially mocha, my 'buddy from heaven', snafu for organizing the trip, seademon for watching over me, dennis, kit, mervin, evo and everyone who was there..


Anonymous said...

Glad to watch over you ;)

mocha said...

nice to haf u there too... so..when is the next trip?? perhentian next month?? get SD to org... hehe.... dun wait too long... nanti lupa how to dive like a pro... hehe

mocha said...

ehh... thank lar everybody... haha... can cut and paste their names from my post... hehe...

Anonymous said... guys name me a weekend...we go to Perhentian. Kita buat small group. Satu dua kereta aje so we get the dive boat to ourselves.