Monday, May 01, 2006

I stole this pic from Ming's blog.. :) The two handsome gentlemen here are Raj and Ming, my coursemate in UTM and that 'cute girl' is of course, me.. stop puking.. It was taken during my recent visit to DSA. It was a very interesting exhibition and something really new to me. Not directly related to what I'm doing but I get to learn something and meet a lot of people from all over the world. The reason why I was there is because I was trying to expand my 'network' and eventually get more sales for the company that i'm so loyal to. As seasonal as I may seem (especially when comes to man), 7 years is indeed a long 'season'. Never thought i would stay this long as i grumble everyday about how stupid this company is and how badly I want to leave. I think I should stop doing that. Make the most out of it. Do my very best and give my 100%. I'll get somewhere. Chia Yew!


mocha said...

royalty for stealing my pix....hehe.... anyway, i took it from azidin.... hehehe......

so, how different is life post masters??? hehehe

mocha said...

aiyar... so long nvr update wan.... haha