First and foremost, to my blog's arden fan, I apologize for the 'silence'. It was genuinely untentional. My streamyx line was down ever since my last post. Yes, it has been about two months now. Thinking that I'm the ex-staff I could get the special attention or at least some assitance to fix this problem ASAP but to no avail. It's dissapointing, beyond words! I'm now going backward as in reverting to the dial-up technology. :(
Besides, my streamyx problem, life has been quite challenging too. The career path that I've chosen doesn't seem so easy to chart. It's unpredictable and at times depressing. After a long thought, I concluded that I felt that way because I was not well prepared before deciding to take this path. I do not regret my decision. In fact, I'm much more prepared now to go thru it and make it a successful and glorious path. It takes a lot of hardwork and sacrifices. I'll give my 200%.
As I was reading, I came across this inspiring quote. It inspired me and I hope it inspires you too.
" The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not your environment; it is not in your luck or chance, or in the help of others; it is in yourself alone"
I'm so clear now of what I want to do. I've taken the first major step. Having a great partner and supportive friends and family are a blessing and has made this chosen path much brighter and purposeful.
Wish me luck!